
Create Stations for Stimulation

Keep Discovery Alive Indoors

By Emily Schloss April 18, 2018

Since the weather will keep us indoors for just a little while longer, I thought you might be interested in refreshing the inside play areas for your little ones. 

I’ve had some challenges keeping my very inquisitive and active babies and toddlers stimulated through long winters that just don’t want to end. I found a way to keep them entertained without much mess or upfront organizing work – stations!

First, let me explain what I consider a “station.”  For an infant or toddler, a station is just a spot designated for them. I had stations in almost every room of my house in the form of a small blanket in a corner or behind a chair or table.  On this blanket, I would include several items.  The items I included were never out for more than a week at a time and I would mix and rotate the items often. Keeping a shelf in a closet or a container bin in the basement, is a great idea for storing rotating toys. You’ll soon discover your own system for organization.

This allows the child to discover an unexpected play thing and use it in a different way when grouped with unfamiliar objects. Items to include, of course, should be age-appropriate and safe.

Here is a list of items to refresh your indoor play space for baby, until winter finally bids farewell.

  • Something Soft: Think stuffed animal, baby doll, small pillow. Just one!
  • Something Musical:  Xylophone, maraca, tambourine, play piano, rhythm sticks. Just one!
  • Something Educational: Early math is practiced through puzzle solving! Include an age-appropriate puzzle or blocks.
  • Something to Look At: Just a couple board books or soft books at each station. Maybe a ring of vocabulary building pictures.
  • Something Pretend: A pretend play toy, such as a figurine, dollhouse, car garage, etc. Nothing overwhelming.
  • Something Active: A ball, walking/push toy, or pull-and-go car or train to provide movement.

Each station should keep baby happy for several minutes of independent play. It’s interesting to see them discover and play on their own. You’ll know when it’s time to collect the stations and refresh. Remember to keep the space simple and uncluttered. 

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